tisdag 10 mars 2009

What it's all about

I just hooked up to Twitter yesterday and instantly I was a little bit bored. And when I get bored I get annoying. I thought, what if I could make my Twitter address the audience by it self while I do something I enjoy. What if I could annoy people by commenting EVERYTHING they tweet in a stupid and incomprehensible way. What if I could be the annoying but loveable clown in the back of the classroom, just disturbing every conversation going on.

I little bit how I felt.

I discussed the problem with my friend Richard who said I should use an old idea of mine, that created random newspaper headlines (made with Per Rundgren at Daddy). And there it was. The idea of Kwik-E-Tweet.

So, I contacted my old friend and web-developer-extravaganza Camilo at Bronson-ID. A few icq:s later (yes we still use that old stuff) he was hooked. I filled an Excel with words and mailed them over together with an ugly ppt explaining the basic functions.

Hardcore PowerPoint artwork

Three hours later the first working prototype was up and running.

First pre-pre-prebeta version.

Soon you'll be able to download the first beta. Hope you're as exited as we are.


Robert German

2 kommentarer:

  1. Ha ha ha... Det där liknar ett script som jag gjorde till mIrc för 15 år sedan.

  2. Morloch: Ja hela Twitter liknar väl ganska mycket vad Irc gjorde för 15 år sedan :)
